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What is a coding bootcamp ?

The Bootcamp is a 6-day interview process where we introduce beginners to programming concepts and test and assess their ability to grasp these concepts along with their social and cultural fit in our organization. The Bootcamp is also open to those with prior coding knowledge.

This is the process we use to source a diverse cohort of talented people without using traditional methods such as matric certificates or CV's.

What is the bootcamp structure

Bootcampers will begin with an introduction to programming basics using an introductory programming language. Each day will involve exercises followed by a project and assessment used to test your understanding and ability to apply the concepts you learned.

You will then move on to Python where you will learn the basics of Python programming, write a final exam and end off with a Final Group Project similar to a hackathon.

Bootcampers with Programming Experience will start off with Python basics, write a final exam at the end of the week and end off with a Final Group Project similar to a hackathon.

The busiest day of bootcamp. Due to it being day 01, we have the assistants assigned to registering the bootcampers by verifying their IDs. From there the bootcampers have a mini briefing session with the assistants and they use this day to set up their LMS and OpenClass accounts. Then they will begin with their individual work on both platforms.

The bootcampers will continue with their individual work.

The bootcampers will continue with their individual work here. They will be assigned to teams by the end of the day in preparation for their group projects.

The bootcampers will be allocated to mentors and reviewers by the morning. They will begin with their group project with the guidance of their mentor.

The bootcampers will need to submit their group project mid-day to get reviewed.

The bootcampers will be doing their final exam on this day. Their individual work submission deadline is also due.

Bootcamp Curriculum



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1. Data Types
2. Making Decisions and Repeating Instructions
3. Comb
ining Instructions
4. Structuring Data
5. File Input and Output

The purpose of the group project is to test the bootcampers' ability to work in teams, communicate with others, and apply the concepts they learned.

Exam based on everything you learned from the first to the last day of the bootcamp.

Bootcamp FAQ’s

What language will I be using for bootcamp?
> Python

Will there be transport/accommodation provided for this bootcamp?
> No there will not. We have reduced the duration of the bootcamp from 4 weeks to 1 in order to cater for candidates who will not be able to afford transport/accommodation for a month. However, we do have low-cost options in Johannesburg through our partnership with Urban Ocean.

Am I allowed to repeat my bootcamp in the same year?
> Unfortunately not. We have worked hard to ensure that the bootcamp caters to people of all levels and is a fair assessment of an individual's capacity to learn and improve in our environment. However, we do allow candidates to reapply for the next year.

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